
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/users/2/add-info/web/blog/wp-content/plugins/post-plugin-library/common_functions.php on line 174


A visitor to your weblog Stolen Moments has automatically been banned by posting more than the allowed number of comments in the last 200 seconds.
This has been done to prevent a malicious script from overwhelming your weblog with comments. The banned IP address is

If this was a mistake, you can unblock the IP address and allow the visitor to post again by logging in to your Movable Type installation, going to Weblog Config – IP Banning, and deleting the IP address from the list of banned addresses.

Powered by Movable Type
Version 2.661

自動でブロックしてくれ、禁止IPに追加してくれたのは助かりますが、それまでのコメントは自分で削除しないといけないんですね。コメントスパムなんて自分には関係ないと思ってましたが、被害を実際受けるなんて...MovableType が早く3.0にバージョンアップしてくれるといいなー。

投稿者 ultram に注意!

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